LLP Guidelines for Authors

Online Submissions

Authors should submit their manuscripts online on the Academic Journals Platform (Open-Access System). Please click the hyperlink: ñOnline Submissions

Authors are kindly requested to comply with the following rules:

  • Manuscripts for publication should be written in English.
  • Please make sure that the paper is submitted in its final form.
  • Final versions of accepted papers should be submitted as a source LaTeX file, preferably in LLP style. If the LLP style is not used, please apply the standard article class with 11pt lmodern (or computer modern) font and the default page layout. In particular, please do not change the margins (or text width) with geometry or a similar package.
  • The first page should contain (i) the author(s)'s name (which can be left out if the author(s) wish(es) double-blind review procedure to be applied); (ii) the title of the article; (iii) a short abstract and keywords of the paper; and (iv) the author(s)'s affiliation and address.
  • References should be indicated in the text and the bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order.
  • Authors are asked to indicate DOI numbers of bibliographic items, if applicable. DOI numbers can be searched via
  • The publication fee is not charged.

    Author Resources (LaTeX):

    The documentclass and stylefiles for download:

  • cross-platform ZIP file
  • The files posted below make it possible to create LaTeX-files in the style used by Logic and Logical Philosophy. Four self-explanatory examples of how to use the style files:
  • LaTeX-format=pdflatex; references: natbib in author-year citation mode
  • LaTeX-format=latex; references: natbib in author-year citation mode
  • LaTeX-format=pdflatex; references: natbib in numerical mode
  • LaTeX-format=latex; references: natbib in numerical mode
  • Peer Review Process

    All papers submitted to Logic and Logical Philosophy will be peer-reviewed by anonymous reviewers. Based on their reports, the editors of LLP will decide whether: (i) the paper will be accepted (possibly conditional on minor changes); (ii) the paper will not be accepted in its current form but may be reconsidered if the author revises it according to the reviewers' reports; or (iii) the paper will be rejected. Authors will be informed about the final decision as soon as possible. Copies of the referees' reports explaining the decision will be attached to all rejected papers.

    Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement:

    By submitting a paper, the authors confirm that the work is an original piece of work by them (that it is neither ghostwritten nor guest-authored) and that it has not been published elsewhere.

    Book Reviews

    We are pleased to announce that we are going to resume the Reviews Section of LLP on a regular basis, after an interruption in the second volume. Professor Walter Carnielli has agreed to act as the Reviews Editor.

    The “Book Reviews” section basically intends to promote books written in English. However, as there are lots of interesting books written in native languages nowadays that are worth to be presented to a broader community of logicians and philosophers, we are widening the scope of the section and encourage our readers to submit reviews of books written in languages other than English.

    Polish Logic and Logical Philosophy Nicolaus Copercicus University Copyright